Sunday, January 5, 2014

No To Hull Tigers

I am a confused and pissed off football fan. My team, my club, my first love, are having the most successful season in our history. Yet all of the press coverage revolves around an incredibly sensitive issue.

For my sins, I am Hull City AFC fan.

Before moving away from Hull, I was a season ticket holder and spent many a happy Saturday afternoon or Tuesday night in the Kempton singing my heart out. Even though I now live in Switzerland, City still matter to me.

Now, I recognise that football has changed and clubs are now owned by eccentric billionaires or oddball olygarchs. This gives them the freedom to ultimately do whatever they want. Like changing the colour of the kit to blue or changing the name of the team. Why-oh-why do something so fucking stupid ??

The owner of my club is one Dr Assem Allam. He should be, could be, a local hero. He has invested enormously in the city (university, rugby, hospitals etc) as well as funding Hull City. He has recruited a great manager, he has given him the funds to build a squad capable of staying in the premier league. We even have a couple of marquee signings so the fans should be singing his name. However, he wants to "re-brand" the club with the horrific name Hull Tigers.

The debate rages in East Yorkshire, the NoToHullTigers campaign is uniting football fans across Europe. It is not just effecting Hull, you only have to look at the debacle in Cardiff (another team who should be celebrating). I back this campaign but also recognise that without Allam, I probably would not have a club to support. Please Dr Allam, see sense with the rebrand and listen to the fans.

So why am I pissed off ?? Two reasons.

Number One
Dr Allam has made me feel embarrassed about using the name The Tigers. We should be proud of our nickname, it is part of our heritage, we should singing about it, but the Hull Tigers fiasco has made it uncomfortable to mention.

Number Two
We have got a great team playing a great style of football. But the egg chasing season is nearly here, this means our pitch will be destroyed by Neanderthal Australian rugby players. How do we cope ???

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